Two Simple Ways to Make Ghee



Two Simple Ways to Make Ghee

Adapted from Practical Paleo and Gut and Psychology Syndrome

Option 1

What you need:

  • A large non-reactive sauce pot (stainless or enameled cast iron is good)
  • 1-quart glass measuring pitcher with spout
  • Cheesecloth or nut-milk bag


  • 2 pounds of grass-fed butter (Kerrygold/Kate’s Butter/other pastured butter)


  1. Place the butter in a medium-sized heavy weight saucepan, and melt it slowly over low heat.
  2. Allow the butter to simmer and the milk solids will begin to float and become foamy at the top of the oil.
  3. Allow these milk solids to continue to cook slowly until they become browned and begin to sink to the bottom of the pan.
  4. When there is no longer any material waiting to brown and sink to the bottom of the oil, the ghee is done.
  5. Pour it through a cheese cloth/nut-milk bag to strain out the browned milk solids.
  6. Allow to cool then poor the ghee into glass jars that you will store it in.
  7. Store these jars in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Option 2

What you need:

  • Metal dish or pan
  • Glass jars for storage


  • Large block of pastured butter


  1. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees F.
  2. Put the large block of butter into the metal dish or pan
  3. Leave it in the oven for 45-60 minutes
  4. Take out the butter and skim any white solids off the top.
  5. Carefully spoon or pour the golden fat from the top making sure that the white liquid at the bottom** stays in the pan.
  6. Discard the white liquid (milk solids) and store the ghee in glass jars and refrigerate.                                                  ** With some varieties of butter the milk solids will float to the top. If this happens, put the dish in the fridge. As it cools down the ghee will become solid and you will be able to pour the liquid off and wipe the rest of it with a paper towel.