Coconut Milk Recipe


• ½ cup of unsweetened organic coconut flakes (or more if you’d like to make a bigger batch)
• 1 cup of very hot (not boiling) filtered water
• High speed blender or food processor
• Cheese cloth or nut milk bag
• Glass mason jar or storage container


1. Measure out ½ cup of coconut flakes and place in blender or food processor.
2. Boil a pot of water. Once boiling, turn stove off and let water cool for 5-10 minutes.
3. Measure out 1 cup of hot water and add to blender/food processor. Pulse for 20-30 seconds. Let sit and pulse again for 10-15 seconds.
4. Place cheese cloth or bag into jar, and then pour the contents into cheese cloth or bag and squeeze all of the “milk” out.
5. Add coconut flakes back into blender and repeat with another cup of water. After this round save coconut for a smoothie or macaroons.

* If you’d like a stronger coconut milk, use equal parts coconut and hot water.
** Keep refrigerated for up to 5 days.
*** For extra flavor, add a splash of vanilla extract to your milk. Use in tea, coffee, smoothies or just as a delicious drink!